Complete Care Through

Pregnancy, birth, and Postpartum

Sacramento & Solano County Doula

  • Complete Doula Services

    Complete support throughout Pregnancy, Labor, Birth, and Postpartum.

  • Birth Tub Rentals

    Making hydrotherapy accessible for all birth visions with beautiful tubs delivered to you.

  • Placenta Encapsulation

    Providing balance and support for the postpartum period and beyond.

Supporting Your vision

I feel so strongly about birthing families being informed and supported throughout the entire journey and ensuring that they feel confident in their decisions and birth desires. My job is to fulfill your wishes and needs in whatever capacity you want; be it a calming presence, soothing touch, gentle encouragement, help with labor positions and keeping things going, or simply just being there holding your birth space. I am here to support you in any and all aspects of this journey that you allow me to be a part of. If you were to hire me as part of your birth team, it is my job to support you how YOU want to be supported.

Client Testimonials